6.2.1. Source Installation on Ubuntu NICs

Ubuntu 14.04

Start with an Ubuntu trusty(14.04) instance with 2 nics:

  • eth0 for the ‘public’ network - providing access to RackHD APIs, and providing routed (layer3) access to out of band network for machines under management
  • eth1 for dhcp/pxe to boot/configure the machines

edit the network:

  • eth0 - assign IP address as appropriate for the environment, or you can use DHCP
  • eth1 static ( )

Ubuntu 16.04

Start with an Ubuntu xenial(16.04) instance with 2 nics:

  • ens160 for the ‘public’ network - providing access to RackHD APIs, and providing routed (layer3) access to out of band network for machines under management
  • ens192 for dhcp/pxe to boot/configure the machines

edit the network:

  • ens160 - assign IP address as appropriate for the environment, or you can use DHCP
  • ens192 static ( )

If you start with Ubuntu xenial(16.04), please check the network config file: /etc/network/interfaces. The ens192’s ip address is Like as follows:

auto ens192
iface ens192 inet static
        post-up ifconfig ens192 promisc

We will leverage the ansible roles created for the RackHD demonstration environment.

cd ~
sudo apt-get install git
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo reboot

cd ~
git clone https://github.com/rackhd/rackhd
sudo apt-get install ansible
cd ~/rackhd/packer/ansible
ansible-playbook -i "local," -K -c local rackhd_local.yml

This created the default configuration file at /opt/monorail/config.json from https://github.com/RackHD/RackHD/blob/master/packer/ansible/roles/monorail/files/config.json. You may need to update this and /etc/dhcpd.conf to match your local network configuration.

This will install all the relevant dependencies and code into ~/src, expecting that it will be run with pm2. Start RackHD

cd ~
sudo pm2 start rackhd-pm2-config.yml

Some useful commands of pm2:

sudo pm2 restart all           # restart all RackHD services
sudo pm2 restart on-taskgraph  # restart the on-taskgraph service only.
sudo pm2 logs                  # show the combined real-time log for all RackHD services
sudo pm2 logs on-taskgraph     # show the on-taskgraph real-time log
sudo pm2 flush                 # clean the RackHD logs
sudo pm2 status                # show the status of RackHD services

Notes:isc-dhcp-server is installed through ansible playbook, but sometimes it won’t start on Ubuntu boot (https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2068111), check if DHCP service is started:

sudo service --status-all

If isc-dhcp-server is not running, run below to start DHCP service:

sudo service isc-dhcp-server start How to update to the latest code

cd ~/src
./scripts/clean_all.bash && ./scripts/reset_submodules.bash && ./scripts/link_install_locally.bash How to Reset the Database

echo "db.dropDatabase()" | mongo pxe