6.3. Configuration

The following JSON is an examples of the current defaults:


    "amqp": "amqp://localhost",
    "rackhdPublicIp": null,
    "apiServerAddress": "",
    "apiServerPort": 9030,
    "dhcpPollerActive": false,
    "dhcpGateway": "",
    "dhcpProxyBindAddress": "",
    "dhcpProxyBindPort": 4011,
    "dhcpSubnetMask": "",
    "gatewayaddr": "",
    "trustedProxy": false,
    "httpEndpoints": [
            "address": "",
            "port": 8080,
            "httpsEnabled": false,
            "proxiesEnabled": true,
            "authEnabled": false,
            "yamlName": ["monorail-2.0.yaml", "redfish.yaml"]
    "taskGraphEndpoint": {
        "address": "",
        "port": 9030
    "httpDocsRoot": "./build/apidoc",
    "httpFileServiceRoot": "./static/files",
    "httpFileServiceType": "FileSystem",
    "fileServerAddress": "",
    "fileServerPort": 3000,
    "fileServerPath": "/",
    "httpProxies": [
            "localPath": "/coreos",
            "server": "http://stable.release.core-os.net",
            "remotePath": "/amd64-usr/current/"
    "httpStaticRoot": "/opt/monorail/static/http",
    "authTokenSecret": "RackHDRocks!",
    "authTokenExpireIn": 86400,
    "mongo": "mongodb://localhost/pxe",
    "sharedKey": "qxfO2D3tIJsZACu7UA6Fbw0avowo8r79ALzn+WeuC8M=",
    "statsd": "",
    "syslogBindAddress": "",
    "syslogBindPort": 514,
    "tftpBindAddress": "",
    "tftpBindPort": 69,
    "tftpRoot": "./static/tftp",
    "minLogLevel": 2,
    "logColorEnable": false,
    "enableUPnP": true,
    "ssdpBindAddress": "",
    "heartbeatIntervalSec": 10,
    "wssBindAddress": "",
    "wssBindPort": 9100

6.3.1. Configuration Parameters

The following table describes the configuration parameters in config.json:

Parameter Description

URI for accessing the AMQP interprocess communications channel. RackHD can be configured to use a single AMQP server or a AMQP cluster consisting of multiple AMQP servers.

For a single AMQP server use the following formats:

"amqp": "amqp[s]://localhost",
"amqp": "amqp[s]://<host>:<port>",

For multiple AMQP servers use an array with the following format:

"amqp": ["amqp[s]://<host_1>:<port_1>","amqp[s]://<host_2>:<port_2>",..., "amqp[s]://<host_n:<port_n>"],

SSL setting used to access the AMQP channel.

To enable SSL connections to the AMQP channel:

    "enabled": true,
    "keyFile": "/path/to/key/file",
    "certFile": "/path/to/cert/file",
    "caFile": "/path/to/cacert/file"

The key, certificate, and certificate authority files must be in pem format. Alternatively, pfxFile can be used to read key and certificate from a single file.

apiServerAddress External facing IP address of the API server
rackhdPublicIp RackHD’s public IP
apiServerPort External facing port of the API server
dhcpPollerActive Set to true to enable the dhcp isc lease poller (defaults to false)
dhcpLeasesPath Path to dhcpd.leases file.
dhcpGateway Gateway IP for the network for DHCP
dhcpProxyBindAddress IP for DHCP proxy server to bind (defaults to ‘’). Note: DHCP binds to to support broadcast request/response within Node.js.
dhcpProxyBindPort Port for DHCP proxy server to bind (defaults to 4011).
dhcpProxyOutPort Port for DHCP proxy server to respond to legacy boot clients (defaults to 68).
dhcpProxyEFIOutPort Port for DHCP proxy server to respond to EFI clients (defaults to 4011).
httpApiDocsDirectory Fully-qualified directory containing the API docs.
httpEndpoints Collection of http/https endpoints. See details in Setup HTTP/HTTPS endpoint
httpFileServiceRoot Directory path for for storing uploaded files on disk.
httpFileServiceType Backend storage mechanism for file service. Currently only FileSystem is supported.
fileServerAddress Optional. Node facing IP address of the static file server. See Static File Service Setup.
fileServerPort Optional. Port of the static file server. See Static File Service Setup.
fileServerPath Optional. Access path of the static file server. See Static File Service Setup.

Optional HTTP/HTTPS proxies list. There are 3 parameters for each proxy:

“localPath”/”remotePath” are optional and defaults to “/”. A legal “localPath”/”remotePath” string must start with slash and ends without slash, like “/mirrors”. If “localPath” is assigned to an existing local path like “/api/current/nodes”, proxy won’t work. Instead the path will keep its original feature and function. “server” is a must, both http and https servers are supported. A legal “server” string must ends without slash like “http://centos.eecs.wsu.edu”. Instead “http://centos.eecs.wsu.edu/” is illegal.


{ “server”: “http://centos.eecs.wsu.edu”, “localPath”: “/centos” } would map http requests to local directory /centos/ to http://centos.eecs.wsu.edu/

{ “server”: “https://centos.eecs.wsu.edu”, “remotePath”: “/centos” } would map http requests to local directory / to https://centos.eecs.wsu.edu/centos/

Note: To ensure this feature works, the httpProxies need be separately enabled for specified HTTP/HTTPS endpoint. See details in Setup HTTP/HTTPS endpoint

httpFrontendDirectory Fully-qualified directory to the web GUI content
httpStaticDirectory Fully-qualified directory to where static HTTP content is served
maxTaskPayloadSize Maximum payload size expected through TASK runner API callbacks from microkernel
mongo URI for accessing MongoDB. To support Mongo Replica Set feature, URI format is, mongodb://[username:password@]host1[:port1][,host2[:port2],...[,hostN[:portN]]][/[database][?options]]

The migrate setting controls the auto-migration strategy that every time RackHD loads, the strategy should be one of safe, alter and drop.

NOTE: It’s extremely important to set the migrate to safe when working with existing databases, otherwise, you will very likely lose data! The alter and drop strategies are only recommended in development environment. You could see detail description for each migration strategy from this link https://github.com/balderdashy/sails-docs/blob/master/concepts/ORM/model-settings.md#migrate

The RackHD default migration strategy is safe.


A 32 bit base64 key encoded string relevant for aes-256-cbc, defaults to ‘qxfO2D3tIJsZACu7UA6Fbw0avowo8r79ALzn+WeuC8M=’. The default can be replaced by a 256 byte randomly generated base64 key encoded string.

Example generating a key with OpenSSL:

openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -k secret -P -md sha1
obmInitialDelay Delay before retrying an OBM invocation
obmRetries Number of retries to attempt before failing an OBM invocation
pollerCacheSize Maximum poller entries to cache in memory
statsdPrefix Application-specific statsd metrics for debugging
syslogBindPort Port for syslog (defaults to 514).
syslogBindAddress Address for the syslog server to bind to (defaults to ‘’).
tftpBindAddress Address for TFTP server to bind to (defaults to ‘’).
tftpBindPort Listening port for TFTP server (defaults to 69).
tftpBindAddress File root for TFTP server to serve files (defaults to ‘./static/tftp’).
tftproot Fully-qualified directory from which static TFTP content is served
minLogLevel A numerical value for filtering the logging from RackHD. The log levels for filtering are defined at https://github.com/RackHD/on-core/blob/master/lib/common/constants.js#L31-L37
logColorEnable A boolean value to toggle the colorful log output (defaults to false)
enableLocalHostException Set to true to enable the localhost exception, see Setup the First User with Localhost Exception.
enableUPnP Set to true to advertise RackHD Restful API services using SSDP (Simple Service Discovery Protocol).
ssdpBindAddress The bind address to send the SSDP advertisements on (defaults to
heartbeatIntervalSec Integer value setting the heartbeat send interval in seconds. Setting this value to 0 will disable the heartbeat service (defaults to 10)
wssBindAddress Address for RackHD WebSocket Service to bind to (defaults to ‘’).
wssBindPort Listening port for RackHD WebSocket Service (defaults to 9100).
trustedProxy Enable trust proxy in express. Populate req.ip with left most IP address from the XForwardFor list.

Injectable name for the discovery graph that should be run against new nodes

See documentation at https://expressjs.com/en/guide/behind-proxies.html

autoCreateObm Allow rackHD to setup IPMI OBM settings on active dicovery by creating a new BMC user on the compute node.

These configurations can also be overridden by setting environment variables in the process that’s running each application, or on the command line when running node directly. For example, to override the value of amqp for the configuration, you could use:

export amqp=amqp://another_host:5763

prior to running the relevant application.

6.3.2. HTTPS/TLS Configuration

To use TLS, a private RSA key and X.509 certificate must be provided. On Ubuntu and Mac OS X, the openssl command line tool can be used to generate keys and certificates.

For internal development purposes, a self-signed certificate can be used. When using a self-signed certificate, clients must manually include a rule to trust the certificate’s authenticity.

By default, the application uses a self-signed certificate issued by Monorail which requires no configuration. Custom certificates can also be used with some configuration.


See the table in Configuration Parameters for information about HTTP/HTTPS configuration parameters. These parameters beging with HTTP and HTTPS.

6.3.3. BMC Username and Password Configuration

A node gets discovered and the BMC IPMI comes up with a default username/password. User can automatically set IPMI OBM settings using a default user name(‘__rackhd__’) and an auto generated password in rackHD by adding the following to RackHD config.json:

"autoCreateObm": "true"

If a user wants to change the BMC credentials later in time, when the node has been already discovered and database updated, a separate workflow located at on-taskgraph/lib/graphs/bootstrap-bmc-credentials-setup-graph.js can be posted using Postman or Curl command.

add the below content in the json body for payload (example node identifier and username, password shown below)

    "name": "Graph.Bootstrap.With.BMC.Credentials.Setup",
    "options": {
         "defaults": {
             "graphOptions": {
                 "target": "56e967f5b7a4085407da7898",
                 "generate-pass": {
                     "user": "7",
                     "password": "7"
             "nodeId": "56e967f5b7a4085407da7898"

By running this workflow, a boot-graph runs to bootstrap an ubuntu image on the node again and set-bmc-credentials-graph runs the required tasks to update the BMC credentials. Below is a snippet of the ‘Bootstrap-And-Set-Credentials graph’, when the graph is posted the node reboots and starts the discovery process

 module.exports = {
   friendlyName: 'Bootstrap And Set Credentials',
   injectableName: 'Graph.Bootstrap.With.BMC.Credentials.Setup',
   options: {
       defaults: {
           graphOptions: {
               target: null
           nodeId: null
   tasks: [
           label: 'boot-graph',
           taskDefinition: {
               friendlyName: 'Boot Graph',
               injectableName: 'Task.Graph.Run.Boot',
               implementsTask: 'Task.Base.Graph.Run',
               options: {
                   graphName: 'Graph.BootstrapUbuntu',
                   defaults : {
                       graphOptions: {   }
               properties: {}
           label: 'set-bmc-credentials-graph',
           taskDefinition: {
               friendlyName: 'Run BMC Credential Graph',
               injectableName: 'Task.Graph.Run.Bmc',
               implementsTask: 'Task.Base.Graph.Run',
               options: {
                   graphName: 'Graph.Set.Bmc.Credentials',
                   defaults : {
                       graphOptions: {   }
               properties: {}
           waitOn: {
               'boot-graph': 'finished'
           label: 'finish-bootstrap-trigger',
           taskName: 'Task.Trigger.Send.Finish',
           waitOn: {
               'set-bmc-credentials-graph': 'finished'

To remove the BMC credentials, User can run the following workflow located at on-taskgraph/lib/graphs/bootstrap-bmc-credentials-remove-graph.js and can be posted using Postman or Curl command.

add the below content in the json body for payload (example node identifier and username, password shown below)

    "name": "Graph.Bootstrap.With.BMC.Credentials.Remove",
    "options": {
         "defaults": {
             "graphOptions": {
                 "target": "56e967f5b7a4085407da7898",
                 "remove-bmc-credentials": {
                     "users": ["7","8"]
             "nodeId": "56e967f5b7a4085407da7898"

6.3.4. Certificates

This section describes how to generate and install a self-signed certificate to use for testing. Generating Self-Signed Certificates

If you already have a key and certificate, skip down to the Installing Certificates section.

First, generate a new RSA key:

openssl genrsa -out privkey.pem 2048

The file is output to privkey.pem. Keep this private key secret. If it is compromised, any corresponding certificate should be considered invalid.

The next step is to generate a self-signed certificate using the private key:

openssl req -new -x509 -key privkey.pem -out cacert.pem -days 9999

The days value is the number of days until the certificate expires.

When you run this command, OpenSSL prompts you for some metadata to associate with the new certificate. The generated certificate contains the corresponding public key. Installing Certificates

Once you have your private key and certificate, you’ll need to let the application know where to find them. It is suggested that you move them into the /opt/monorail/data folder.

mv privkey.pem /opt/monorail/data/mykey.pem
mv cacert.pem /opt/monorail/data/mycert.pem

Then configure the paths by editing httpsCert and httpKey in /opt/monorail/config.json. (See the Configuration Parameters section above).

If using a self-signed certificate, add a security exception to your client of choice. Verify the certificate by restarting on-http and visiting https://<host>/api/current/versions.

Note: For information about OpenSSL, see the OpenSSL documentation.

6.3.5. Setup HTTP/HTTPS endpoint

This section describes how to setup HTTP/HTTPS endpoints in RackHD. An endpoint is an instance of HTTP or HTTPS server that serves a group of APIs. Users can choose to enable authentication or enable HTTPS for each endpoint.

There is currently one API group defined in RackHD:

  • the northbound-api-router API group. This is the API group that is used by users
        "address": "",
        "port": 8443,
        "httpsEnabled": true,
        "httpsCert": "data/dev-cert.pem",
        "httpsKey": "data/dev-key.pem",
        "httpsPfx": null,
        "proxiesEnabled": false,
        "authEnabled": false,
        "yamlName": ["monorail-2.0.yaml", "redfish.yaml"]
Parameter Description
address IP/Interface to bind to for HTTP. Typically this is ‘’
port Local port to use for HTTP. Typically, port 80 for HTTP, 443 for HTTPS
httpsEnabled Toggle HTTPS
httpsCert Filename of the X.509 certificate to use for TLS. Expected format is PEM. This is optional and only takes effect when the httpsEnabled flag is set to true
httpsKey Filename of the RSA private key to use for TLS. Expected format is PEM. This is optional and only takes effect when the httpsEnabled flag is set to true
httpsPfx Pfx file containing the SSL cert and private key (only needed if the key and cert are omitted) This is optional and only takes effect when the httpsEnabled flag is set to true
proxiesEnabled A boolean value to toggle httpProxies (defaults to false)
authEnabled Toggle API Authentication
yamlName A list of yaml file used to define the routes. current availabe files are momorail-2.0.yaml, and redfish.yaml.

6.3.6. Setup Taskgraph Endpoint

This section describes how to setup the taskgraph endpoint in RackHD. The taskgraph endpoint is the interface that is used by nodes to interacting with the system

"taskGraphEndpoint": {
    "address": "",
    "port": 9030
Parameter Description
address IP/Interface that the tastgraph sevice is listeing on
port Local port that the taskgraph service is listening on

6.3.7. Raid Configuration Setting up the docker image

For the correct tooling (storcli for Quanta/Intel and perccli for Dell) you will need to build the docker image using the following steps:

(1). Add the repo https://github.com/RackHD/on-imagebuilder

(2). Refer to the Requirements section of the Readme in the on-imagebuilder repo to install latest version of docker: https://github.com/RackHD/on-imagebuilder#requirements

(3). For Quanta/Intel storcli - https://github.com/RackHD/on-imagebuilder#oem-tools

Refer to the OEM tools section: OEM docker images raid and secure_erase require storcli_1.17.08_all.deb being copied into raid and secure-erase under on-imagebuilder/oem. User can download it from http://docs.avagotech.com/docs/1.17.08_StorCLI.zip

(4). For Dell PERCcli: https://github.com/RackHD/on-imagebuildera#oem-tools

Refer to the OEM tools section to download and unzip the percCLI package and derive a debian version using ‘alien’ There is no .deb version perccli tool. User can download .rpm perccli from https://downloads.dell.com/FOLDER02444760M/1/perccli-1.11.03-1_Linux_A00.tar.gz unzip the package and then use alien to get a .deb version perccli tool as below:

sudo apt-get install alien
sudo alien -k perccli-1.11.03-1.noarch.rpm

OEM docker images dell_raid and secure_erase require perccli_1.11.03-1_all.deb being copied into dell-raid and secure-erase under on-imagebuilder/oem.

(5). Build the docker image.

#This creates the dell.raid.docker.tar.xz image
cd on-imagebuilder/oem/dell-raid
sudo docker build -t rackhd/micro .
sudo docker save rackhd/micro | xz -z > dell.raid.docker.tar.xz

#This creates the raid.docker.tar.xz image
cd on-imagebuilder/oem/raid
sudo docker build -t rackhd/micro .
sudo docker save rackhd/micro | xz -z > raid.docker.tar.xz

(6). Copy the image dell.raid.docker.tar.xz or raid.docker.tar.xz to /on-http/static/http/common

(7). Restart the RackHD service Posting the Workflow

add the below example content in the json body for payload

   "options": {
                         "enclosure": 252,
                         "type": "raid0",
                  "controller": 0,
                          "enclosure": 252,
                          "type": "raid0",
                         "enclosure": 252,
                         "type": "raid1",

Notes: ssdStoragePoolArr, ssdCacheCadeArr, hddArr should be passed as empty arrays if they don’t need to be configure like the “ssdStoragePoolArr” array in the example payload above is an empty array. For CacheCade (ssdCacheCadeArr) to work the controller should have the ability to configure it. Payload Definition

The drive information for payload can be gathered from the node catalogs using the api below:

GET /api/current/nodes/<id>/catalogs/<source>

Or from the node’s microkernel: (Note: the workflow does not stop in the micro-kernel. In order to be able to stop in the microkernel the workflow needs to be updated to remove the last two tasks.)

    label: 'refresh-catalog-megaraid',
    taskName: 'Task.Catalog.megaraid',
    waitOn: {
        'config-raid': 'succeeded'
    label: 'final-reboot',
    taskName: 'Task.Obm.Node.Reboot',
    waitOn: {
        'refresh-catalog-megaraid': 'finished'

The elements in the arrays represent the EID of the drives (run this command in the micro-kernel storcli 64 /c0 show)

Physical Drives = 6 PD LIST : ======= ————————————————————————-

EID:Slt DID State DG Size Intf Med SED PI SeSz Model Sp ————————————————————————-

252:0 0 Onln 0 372.093 GB SAS SSD N N 512B HUSMM1640ASS200 U

252:1 4 Onln 5 1.090 TB SAS HDD N N 512B HUC101212CSS600 U

252:2 3 Onln 1 1.090 TB SAS HDD N N 512B HUC101212CSS600 U

252:4 5 Onln 2 1.090 TB SAS HDD N N 512B HUC101212CSS600 U

252:5 2 Onln 3 1.090 TB SAS HDD N N 512B HUC101212CSS600 U

252:6 1 Onln 4 1.090 TB SAS HDD N N 512B HUC101212CSS600 U

“hddArr”: is the array of hard drives that will take part of the storage pool “ssdStoragePoolArr”: is the array of solid state drives that will take part of the storage pool “ssdCacheCadeArr”: is the array of hard drives that will take part of CacheCade Results

After the workflow runs successfully, you should be able to see the newly created virtual disks either from the catalogs or from the monorail micro-kernel

monorail@monorail-micro:~$ sudo /opt/MegaRAID/storcli/storcli64 /c0/vall show Virtual Drives : ==============-------------------------------------------------------------- DG/VD TYPE State Access Consist Cache Cac sCC Size Name ---------------------------------------------------------------
0/0 Cac0 Optl RW Yes NRWBD - ON 372.093 GB
1/1 RAID0 Optl RW Yes RWTD - ON 1.090 TB
2/2 RAID0 Optl RW Yes RWTD - ON 1.090 TB
3/3 RAID0 Optl RW Yes RWTD - ON 1.090 TB
4/4 RAID0 Optl RW Yes RWTD - ON 1.090 TB
5/5 RAID0 Optl RW Yes RWTD - ON 1.090 TB