UCS-Service ----------- The UCS-Service is an optional RackHD service that will enable RackHD to communicate with Cisco UCS Manger. This allows RackHD to discover and manage the hardware under the UCS Manager. UCS-Service Setup ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The UCS-Service configuration can be set in the config.json file. The following options are supported: ================ =============================== Option Description ================ =============================== **address** IP address the UCS-service will bind to **port** TCP port the UCS-service will bind to **httpsEnabled** set to "true" to enable https access **certFile** Certificate file for https (null for self signed) **keyFile** Key file for https (null for self signed) **debug** set to "true" to enable debugging **callbackUrl** RackHD callback API. ucs-service asynchronous API will post data to RackHD via this callback **concurrency** Celery concurrent process number, default is 2 **session** After ucs-service login UCSM, it will keep login active for a duration of "session", default it is 60 seconds ================ =============================== To start the UCS-Service run: .. code:: $ pip install -r requirements.txt $ python app.py $ python task.py worker Or if you system has supervisord installed, you can use the script ucs-service-ctl.sh to start UCS-service: .. code:: sudo ./ucs-service-ctl.sh start After you start UCS-service with ucs-service-ctl.sh, you can also stop or restart it with: .. code:: sudo ./ucs-service-ctl.sh stop/restart There is a supervisord web GUI that can also be used to control ucs-service, by browsing https://:9001 UCS-Service API ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The API for the UCS-Service can be accessed via a graphical GUI by directing a browser to https://:7080/ui UCS-service is originally built with synchronous http/https APIs, later on some asynchronous APIs are also developed to improve performance accessing UCSM. UCS-service asynchronous API uses Celery as task queue tool. If user accessed UCS-service asynchronous API, user won't get required data immediately but a response body only includes string "Accepted". Real data will be posted to **callbackUrl** retrieved from config.json. UCS-Service Workflows ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Default workflows to discover and catalog UCS nodes have been created. There are separate workflows to discover physical UCS nodes, discover logical UCS servers, and to catalog both physical and logical UCS nodes. Discover Nodes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Graph.Ucs.Discovery workflow will discover and catalog all physical and logical servers being managed by the specified UCS Manager. It will create a node for each discovered service. It will also create a ucs-obm-service for each node. This obm service can then be used to manage the node. The user must provide the address and login credentials for the UCS manger and the URI for the ucs-service. Below is an example: .. code-block:: JSON { "name": "Graph.Ucs.Discovery", "options": { "defaults": { "username": "admin", "password": "secret", "ucs": "", "uri": "https://localhost:7080" }, "when-discover-physical-ucs": { "discoverPhysicalServers": "true" }, "when-discover-logical-ucs": { "discoverLogicalServer": "true" }, "when-catalog-ucs": { "autoCatalogUcs": "true" } } } .. list-table:: :widths: 10 80 :header-rows: 1 * - Field - Description * - username - The username used to log into the UCS Manager * - password - The password used to log into the UCS Manager * - ucs - The hostname or IP address of the UCS Manager * - uri - The URI used to access the running UCS-service * - discoverPhysicalServers - If set to true, the workflow will create nodes for all physical servers discovered from the UCS Manager * - discoverLogicalServer - If set to true, the workflow will create nodes for all logical servers discovered from the UCS Manger * - autoCatalogUcs - If set to true, catalog information will be collected for each discovered node Catalog Nodes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Once the UCS nodes have been discovered, the Graph.Ucs.Catalog can be run with the NodeId. This graph will use the ucs-obm-service created by the discovery workflow so no other options are required.