Workflow Tasks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A workflow task is a unit of work decorated with data and logic that allows it to be included and run within a workflow. Tasks can be defined to do wide-ranging operations, such as bootstrap a server node into a Linux microkernel, parse data for matches against a rule, and others. The tasks in a workflow are run in a specific order. A workflow task is made up of three parts: * Task Definition * Base Task Definition * Job .. _task-definition-ref-label: Task Definitions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A task definition contains the basic description of the task. It contains the following fields. =============== ======= =========== ======================================================= Name Type Flags Description =============== ======= =========== ======================================================= friendlyName String Required A human-readable name for the task injectableName String Required A unique name used by the system and the API to refer to the task. implementsTask String Required The injectableName of the base task. optionsSchema Object/ Optional The JSON schema for the task's *options*, see `Options Schema`_ for detail. String options Object Required Key value pairs that are passed in as options to the job. Values required by a job may be defined in the task definition or overridden by options in a graph definition. properties Object Required JSON defining any relevant metadata or tagging for the task. =============== ======= =========== ======================================================= Below is a sample task definition in JSON for an Ubuntu installer. .. code-block:: JSON { "friendlyName": "Install Ubuntu", "injectableName": "Task.Os.Install.Ubuntu", "implementsTask": "Task.Base.Os.Install", "options": { "username": "monorail", "password": "password", "profile": "install-trusty.ipxe", "hostname": "monorail", "uid": 1010, "domain": "" }, "properties": { "os": { "linux": { "distribution": "ubuntu", "release": "trusty" } } } } Sample output (returns injectableName): .. code-block:: rest "Task.Os.Install.Ubuntu.Utopic" Base Task Definitions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A Base Task Definition outlines validation requirements (an interface) and a common job to be used for a certain class of tasks. Base Task Definitions exist to provide strict and standardized validation schemas for graphs, and to improve code re-use and modularity. The following table describes the fields of a Base Task Definition. =================== ======= ========= ========================================================= Name Type Flags Description =================== ======= ========= ========================================================= friendlyName String Required A human-readable name for the task. injectableName String Required A unique name used by the system and the API to refer to the task. optionsSchema Object/ Optional The JSON schema for the job's *options*, see `Options Schema`_ for detail. String requiredOptions Object Required Required option values to be set in a task definition implementing the base task. requiredProperties Object Required JSON defining required properties that need to exist in other tasks in a graph in order for this task to be able to be run successfully. properties Object Required JSON defining any relevant metadata or tagging for the task. This metadata is merged with any properties defined in task definitions that implement the base task. =================== ======= ========= ========================================================= The following example shows the base task *Install Ubuntu* task definition: .. code-block:: javascript { "friendlyName": "Install OS", "injectableName": "Task.Base.Os.Install", "runJob": "Job.Os.Install", "requiredOptions": [ "profile" ], "requiredProperties": { "power.state": "reboot" }, "properties": { "os": { "type": "install" } } } This base task is a generic Install OS task. It runs the job named *Job.Os.Install* and specifies that this job requires the option 'profile'. As a result, any task definition using the *Install OS* base task must provide at least these options to the OS installer job. These options are utilized by logic in the job. .. code-block:: javascript this._subscribeRequestProfile(function() { return this.profile; }); Another task definition that utilizes the above base task looks like: .. code-block:: JSON { "friendlyName": "Install CoreOS", "injectableName": "Task.Os.Install.CoreOS", "implementsTask": "Task.Base.Os.Install", "options": { "username": "root", "password": "root", "profile": "install-coreos.ipxe", "hostname": "coreos-node" }, "properties": { "os": { "linux": { "distribution": "coreos" } } } } The primary difference between the *Install CoreOS* task and the *Install Ubuntu* task is the profile value, which is the ipxe template that specifies the installer images that an installation target should download. .. _`Options Schema`: Options Schema ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Options Schema is a JSON-Schema_ file or object that outlines the attributes and validation requirement for all options of a task or job. It provides standardized and declarative way to annotate task/job options. It offloads job's validation work and brings benefit to the upfront validation for graph input options. .. _JSON-Schema: **Schema Classification** There are totally 3 kinds of options schema: Common options schema, Base Task options schema and Task options schema. - The Common options schema is to describe all those common options that are shared by all tasks, such as `_taskTimeout`, the common options schema is defined in the file ''. User doesn't have to explicitly define the common schema in Task or Base Task definition, it is default enabled for every task. - The schema in Base Task definition is to describe the options of the corresponding job. - The schema in Task definition is to describe the options of corresponding task. Since a Task defintion will always link to a Base Task, so the task's schema will automatically inherit the Base Task's schema during validation. So in practice, usually the task schema only needs to describe those options that are not covered in Base Task. NOTE: The options schema is always optional for Task definition and Base Task definition. If options schema is not defined, that means user gives up the upfront options validation before running a TaskGraph. **Schema Format** The options schema supports two kinds of format: - Built-in Schema : Directly put the full JSON schema content into the Task and Base Task definition. - Schema File Reference : Specify the file name of a JSON file, the JSON file is a valid JSON schema and it must be placed in the folder ''. The Built-in Schema is usually used when there is few options or for situation that is not suitable to use file reference, such as within skupack. The File Reference schema is usually used when there are plents of options or to share schema between Task and Base Task. Below is an example of Built-in Schema in Base Task definition: .. code-block:: JSON { "friendlyName": "Analyze OS Repository", "injectableName": "Task.Base.Os.Analyze.Repo", "runJob": "Job.Os.Analyze.Repo", "optionsSchema": { "properties": { "version": { "$ref": "types-installos.json#/definitions/Version" }, "repo": { "$ref": "types-installos.json#/definitions/Repo" }, "osName": { "enum": [ "ESXi" ] } }, "required": [ "osName", "repo", "version" ] }, "requiredProperties": {}, "properties": {} } Below is an example of File Reference schema in Base Task definition: .. code-block:: JSON { "friendlyName": "Linux Commands", "injectableName": "Task.Base.Linux.Commands", "runJob": "Job.Linux.Commands", "optionsSchema": "linux-command.json", "requiredProperties": {}, "properties": { "commands": {} } } **Upfront Schema Validation** The options schema validation will be firstly executed when user triggers a workflow. Only if all options (Combine user input and the default value) conform to all of above schemas for the task, the workflow can then be successfully triggered. If any option violates the schema, The API request will report `400 Bad Request`_ and append detail error message in response body. For example: .. _`400 Bad Request`: Below is the message if user forgets the required option *version* while installing CentOS: .. code-block:: JSON "message": "Task.Os.Install.CentOS: JSON schema validation failed - data should have required property 'version'" Below is the message if the input *uid* beyond the allowed range. .. code-block:: JSON "message": "Task.Os.Install.CentOS: JSON schema validation failed - data.users[0].uid should be >= 500" Below is the message if the format of option *rootPassword* is not correct: .. code-block:: JSON "message": "Task.Os.Install.CentOS: JSON schema validation failed - data.rootPassword should be string" Task Jobs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A job is a javascript subclass with a run function that can be referenced by a string. When a new task is created, and all of its validation and setup logic handled, the remainder of its responsibility is to instantiate a new job class instance for its specified job (passing down the options provided in the definition to the job constructor) and run that job. **Defining a Job** To create a job, define a subclass of `Job.Base `_ that has a method called *_run* and calls *this._done()* somewhere, if the job is not one that runs indefinitely. .. code-block:: javascript // Setup injector module.exports = jobFactory; di.annotate(jobFactory, new di.Provide('Job.example')); di.annotate(jobFactory, new di.Inject('Job.Base'); // Dependency context function jobFactory(BaseJob) { // Constructor function Job(options, context, taskId) {, logger, options, context, taskId); } util.inherits(Job, BaseJob); // _run function called by base job Job.prototype._run = function _run() { var self = this; doWorkHere(args, function(err) { if (err) { self._done(err); } else { self._done(); } }); } return Job; } Many jobs are event-based by nature, so the base job provides many helpers for assigning callbacks to a myriad of AMQP events published by RackHD services, such as DHCP requests from a specific mac address, HTTP downloads from a specific IP, template rendering requests, etc. Task Templates ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ There are some values that may be needed in a task definition which are not known in advance. In some cases, it is also more convenient to use placeholder values in a task definition than literal values. In these cases, a simple template rendering syntax can be used in task definitions. Rendering is also useful in places where two or more tasks need to use the same value (e.g. options.file), but it cannot be hardcoded ahead of time. Task templates use `Mustache syntax `_, with some additional features detailed below. To define a value to be rendered, place it within curly braces in a string: .. code-block:: javascript someOption: 'an option to be rendered: {{ options.renderedOption }}' At render time, values are rendered if the exist in the task render context. The render context contains the following fields: .. list-table:: :widths: 20 80 :header-rows: 1 * - Field - Description * - server - The server field contains all values found in the configuration for the on-taskgraph process (/opt/monorail/config.json) Example Usage: `{{ server.mongo.port }}` * - api - Values used for constructing API requests in a template: - **server** -- the base URI for the RackHD http server (e.g. `http://:` ) - **base** -- the base http URI for the RackHD api (e.g. `http://:/api/current` ) - **templates** -- the base http URI for the RackHD api files route (e.g. `http://:/api/current/templates`) - **profiles** -- the base http URI for the RackHD api files route (e.g. `http://:/api/current/profiles`) - **lookups** -- the base http URI for the RackHD api files route (e.g. `http://:/api/current/lookups`) - **files** -- the base http URI for the RackHD api files route (e.g. `http://:/api/current/files`) - **nodes** -- the base http URI for the RackHD api nodes route (e.g. `http://:/api/current/nodes`) * - file - Values used for constructing `static file server `_ information in a template: - **server** -- the address of static file server (e.g. `http://:` ) * - tasks - Allows access to instance variables of the task class instance created from the task definition. This is mainly used to access task.nodeId * - options - This refers to the task definition options itself. Mainly for referencing values in substrings that will eventually be defined by a user (e.g. `'sudo mv {{ options.targetFile }} /tmp/{{ options.targetfile }}'` ) * - context - This refers to the shared context object that all tasks in a graph have R/W access to. Enables one task to use values produced by another at runtime. For example, the [ami catalog provider task](`https://:/projects/RackHD/repos/on-tasks/browse/lib/task-data/tasks/provide-catalog-ami-bios-version.js`) gets the most recent catalog entry for the AMI bios, whose value can be referenced by other tasks via `{{ context.ami.systemRomId }}` * - sku - This refers to the SKU configuration data fetched from a :doc:`skus`. This field is added automatically if a SKU configuration exists in the the :doc:`skus`, rather than being specified by a user. * - env - This refers to the environment configuration data retrieved from the environment database collection.Similar to sku, this field is added automatically, rather than specified by a user. The download-files task is a good example of a task definition that makes use of multiple objects in the context: .. code-block:: JSON { friendlyName: 'Flash MegaRAID Controller', injectableName: 'Task.Linux.Flash.LSI.MegaRAID', implementsTask: 'Task.Base.Linux.Commands', options: { file: null, downloadDir: '/opt/downloads', adapter: '0', commands: [ 'sudo /opt/MegaRAID/storcli/storcli64 /c{{ options.adapter }} download ' + 'file={{ options.downloadDir }}/{{ options.file }} noverchk', 'sudo /opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli64 -AdpSetProp -BatWarnDsbl 1 ' + '-a{{ options.adapter }}', ] }, properties: { flash: { type: 'storage', vendor: { lsi: { controller: 'megaraid' } } } } } On creation, the options are rendered as below. The 'file' field is specified in this case by the contents of an API query, e.g. mr2208fw.rom .. code-block:: JSON options: { file: 'mr2208fw.rom', downloadDir: '/opt/downloads', adapter: '0', commands: [ 'sudo /opt/MegaRAID/storcli/storcli64 /c0 download file=/opt/downloads/mr2208fw.rom noverchk', 'sudo /opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli64 -AdpSetProp -BatWarnDsbl 1 -a0', ] } Task Rendering Features ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ For a full list of Mustache rendering features, including specifying conditionals and iterators, see the `Mustache man page `_ Task templates also expand the capabilities of Mustache templating by adding the additional capabilities of *Fallback Rendering* and *Nested Rendering*, as documented below. **Fallback Rendering** Multiple values can be specified within the curly braces, separated by one or two '|' characters (newlines are optional as well after the pipe character). In the case that the first value does not exist, the second one will be used, and so on. Values that are not prefixed by a context field (e.g. 'options.', 'context.' will be rendered as a plain string) .. code-block:: rest // Unrendered { options: { fallbackOption: 'this is a fallback option', value: '{{ options.doesNotExist || options.fallbackOption }}' } } // Rendered { options: { fallbackOption: 'this is a fallback option', value: 'this is a fallback option' } } // Unrendered, with fallback being a string { options: { value: '{{ options.doesNotExist || fallbackString }}' } } // Rendered { options: { value: 'fallbackString' } } **Nested Rendering** Template rendering can go many levels deep. So if the rendered result of a template is itself another template, then rendering will continue until all values have been resolved, for example: .. code-block:: rest // Unrendered { options: { value1: 'value1', value2: '{{ options.value1 }}', value3: 'a value: {{ options.value2 }}' } } // Rendered { options: { value1: 'value1', value2: 'value1', value3: 'a value: value1' } } **More examples** This task makes use of both template conditionals and iterators to generate a sequence of shell commands based on the options the task is created with. .. code-block:: js { "friendlyName": "Delete RAID via Storcli", "injectableName": "Task.Raid.Delete.MegaRAID", "implementsTask": "Task.Base.Linux.Commands", "options": { "deleteAll": true, "controller": 0, "raidIds": [], //[0,1,2] "path": "/opt/MegaRAID/storcli/storcli64", "commands": [ "{{#options.deleteAll}}" + "sudo {{options.path}} /c{{options.controller}}/vall del force" + "{{/options.deleteAll}}" + "{{^options.deleteAll}}{{#options.raidIds}}" + "sudo {{options.path}} /c{{options.controller}}/v{{.}} del force;" + "{{/options.raidIds}}{{/options.deleteAll}}" ] }, "properties": {} } If ``options.deleteAll`` is true, ``options.commands`` will be rendered as: .. code-block:: json [ "sudo /opt/MegaRAID/storcli/storcli64 /c0/vall del force" ] If a user overrides ``deleteAll`` to be false, and ``raidIds`` to be ``[0,1,2]``, then ``options.commands`` will become: .. code-block:: json [ "sudo /opt/MegaRAID/storcli/storcli64 /c0/v0 del force;sudo /opt/MegaRAID/storcli/storcli64 /c0/v1 del force;sudo /opt/MegaRAID/storcli/storcli64 /c0/v2 del force;" ] .. _`Task Timeout`: Task Timeouts ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In the task options object, a magic value `_taskTimeout` can be used to specify a maximum amount of time a task may be run, in milliseconds. By default, this value is equal to 24 hours. To specify an infinite timeout, a value of 0 or -1 may be used. .. code-block:: js { "options": { "_taskTimeout": 3600000 // 1 hour timeout (in ms) } } .. code-block:: js { "options": { "_taskTimeout": -1 // no timeout } } For backwards compatibility reasons, task timeouts can also be specified via the `schedulerOverriddes` option: .. code-block:: js { "options": { "schedulerOverrides": { "timeout": 3600000 } } } If a task times out, it will cancel itself with a timeout error, and the task state in the database will equal "timeout". The workflow engine will treat a task timeout as a failure and handle graph execution according to whether any other tasks handle a timeout exit value. API Commands for Tasks ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **Get Available Tasks in the Library** .. code-block:: rest GET /api/current/workflows/tasks/ .. code-block:: rest curl /api/current/workflows/tasks/ **Create a Task Definition or a Base Task Definition** .. code-block:: rest PUT /api/current/workflows/tasks Content-Type: application/json .. code-block:: rest curl -X PUT \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d /api/current/workflows/tasks Task Annotation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The RackHD Task Annotation is a schema for validating running tasks in the RackHD workflow engine, and is also used to provide self-hosted task documentation. Our build processes generate the files for this documentation. Tasks that have been annotated have schema defined for them in the `on-tasks repository`_ under the directory `lib/task-data/schemas`_ using `JSON Schema`_ .. _on-tasks repository: .. _lib/task-data/schemas: .. _JSON Schema: **How to Build Task Annotation Manually** .. code-block:: shell git clone cd on-http npm install npm run taskdoc You can access it via **http(s)://:/taskdoc**, when on-http service is running. For example: .. image:: /_static/task_annotation.png :align: center